Israeli forces will be annihilated in Case of Attack on Lebanon — Hezbollah Chief

Lebanese Hezbollah has enough resources to enter Israel’s border region of Galilee and “annihilate” Israeli forces in case of their attack on Lebanon, Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said.
“The resistance has many strong and decisive means. The time for a quick war is over. The resistance is capable of entering Galile…Israel fears launching a new war, even on the besieged Gaza Strip, let alone Lebanon. All Israeli battalions will be destroyed under the eyes of mainstream media and the entire world, if they dare enter Lebanon.,” Nasrallah said live on Al-Manar TV channel on Thursday.
Speaking about the border disputes between Lebanon and Israel, the Hezbollah chief said that it was up to the Lebanese government to settle these contentious issues, while the movement reserved the right to liberate the Israeli-occupied territories, namely Shebaa Farms and Kfarchouba hills.According to Nasrallah, western countries and the Persian Gulf nations are putting pressure on Lebanon and creating the impression that the country is on the verge of war.
He suggested that the purpose of such pressure on Lebanon was to “get concessions on the issues of maritime borders and Shebaa Farms” and force Hezbollah to “abandon its missiles” and military potential.
The Hezbollah chief finally condemned Saudi Arabia over beheading 37 of its nationals, emphasizing that petrodollars and financial gains prevented the so-called advocates of human rights from denouncing the heinous mass executions.

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