Russia targeted terrorists in Syria with its deadly new attack drone – Reports

Russia has tested its most advanced attack drone the Orion-E by striking Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in northern Hama in Syria, a Russian newspaper reported.
The Russian news agency Russia Today quoted Moskovskij Komsomolets newspaper by saying that Hayat Tahrir al-Sham announced their positions in northern Hama countryside came under attack by Russia biggest drones the Orion-E.
A video was posted online by the opposition media outlets shows allegedly the Russian Orion-E drone doing airstrikes over HTS-held Zakat town in northern Hama countryside.

The new modified attack drone Orion-E has a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 1,000 kg and can carry a maximum payload of 200 kg, including four 50-kg aerial bombs.
The Orion-E`s optoelectronic station features two thermal imagers, a wide-angle TV camera and a laser rangefinder/target designator. The updated Orion-E also has a maximum flight altitude of 7,500 m, a range of 250 km and an endurance of 24 hours.

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