Syria ..ISIS rebuilds itself as Government troops attack in the Syrian desert

Syria – Homs: Local Syrian media reported that the Syrian army launched air raids on positions of the “Daesh” organization, also clashed with militants in the center of the country.
The outbreak of clashes in Al-Sokhna – between Palmyra and Deir al-Zour – two days ago, indicates that the Islamic State terrorists are attempting to put foothold in western Euphrates.
At the meantime, the Kurdish-led forces in eastern Euphrates captured around 400 Islamic State group jihadists as they attempted to slip out of their besieged enclave of Baghouz.
Local sources stated that the Syrian air-forces have carried out multiple air-raids in the eastern desert area, west of Deir Ezzor.
Furthermore, Local factions targeted suspicious movements that were believed to be ISIS terrorists, with medium machine guns in eastern Suweida near the villages of “Tarba” and “Al-Diatha”.

Kurdish Militia Capture 400 ISIS Trying To Flee Last Enclave

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