Syria News

US forces attack Syrian military with barrage of missiles in Al-Badiyah (MAP)

The US forces stationed in the bordering Al-Tanaf military base, have bombed the Syrian Army positions in the heart of the Syrian Al-Badiyah desert


Military source announced few moments ago that the US forces fired 14 missiles on the government troops sites located near Al-Sukhnah area east of Palmyra.

The source denied any human losses among the soldiers as casualties were in materials.
AlTanaf is known as the “55 km” area, where hundreds of Syrian fighters operating there who are supported by the United States of America, receiving training by military advisors.

“Al-Tanf” is located on the Damascus-Baghdad road on the border with Iraq and not far from the Jordanian border, as Washington justifies its presence in the Al-Tanf area by the necessity of fighting “Al-Da’ash” or “ISIS”.

It is noteworthy that the southern region of Syria had witnessed – during the past two days – an Israeli aggression, in which the Syrian air defenses intercepted all the upcoming missiles and destroyed them completely.

Map shows the Syrian Army areas “in the circles ” that were attacked .

US forces attack Syrian military

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