Hard-line militants keep breaching Idlib deal as Syrian forces thwart infiltration bid

The Syrian forces foiled a new militants infiltration bid carried out by the Hayyat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) terrorists in a new breach to the Idlib deal that concluded 2 months ago by Turkey and Russia.

SANA news agency reported that, a unit of the Syrian Arab Army monitored HTS movements in Morek area near the administrative border of Idlib, in order to attack military points stationed in Tal Bazam and its surroundings north of Suran town.

In response, the Syrian forces were capable to bombard the militants movements with artillery that led to kill a number of them while others fled towards Morek.

Similarly on Monday, the government troops also foiled two infiltration attempts from Al-Zakat and Al-Latamenah areas towards the Army-controlled areas in northern Hama province.

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