Georgia buys modern air defense systems from France

Georgia is set to purchase modern air defense systems from France according an official statement released by the Georgian Defense Ministry.

The deal with France was confirmed in an official statement by the Georgian Defense Ministry’s press service. The announcement read:

“In the field of air defense Georgia and France have embarked on a new stage of cooperation. The Georgian Defense Ministry has signed a very important contract with the French party … under which the process of air defense systems purchase will be continued”.

What exact air defense systems Georgia is planning to acquire from France is unclear, however it is worth noting that the Georgian military already possess French-made Mistral short-range anti-aircraft units.

The air defense arm of the Georgian military currently possesses mostly Soviet-era weapons with medium-to-long range capability as well as at least one type of Israeli-built medium-range system.

Read more: The real reason US is scared of Russia’s S-400 system

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