Gov’t Forces Uncover Large Cache of Weapons Including Israeli Rockets in Southern Syria

The Syrian Army continued cleansing operation in Dara’a and Quneitra provinces on Sunday, discovering a large volume of arms and ammunition, including Israeli-made rockets, at captured positions of terrorists.

The Syrian military uncovered a large quantity of weapons left behind by the terrorists that once controlled large areas in Quneitra and Dara’a provinces.

A field commander said that the uncovered weapons included shoulder-fired missiles, Israeli–made rockets, locally made rocket launchers, 23mm heavy machine guns, 120 mm mortar launchers, explosive tank shells, large amounts of munitions, rifles, PKCs machine guns, 12,7mm munitions as well as Israeli-made RPGs and military vehicles.

He further said that a large number of chemical gas masks, communication devices, night vision binoculars and anti-tank weapons have been discovered in the terrorists’ underground depots “that proves open supports of the US, Israel and some of the Persian Gulf’s Arab states for the terrorists in Syria”.

In September, the army men carried out mop-up operation in the village of al-Mo’alaqa and in the small town of Jabata al-Khashab in Quneitra, finding a large volume of weapons, munitions and medicines in regions that were once under control by ISIL and Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front).

Israel and American sniper rifles, machineguns, rockets, cannons, communication devices and medicines were found in the terrorists’ positions.


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