Syria News

Israel has achieved victory over S-300 , S-400 and Syria .. journalist says !

According to right-wing Russian-Israeli activist and journalist Avigdor Eskin in a conversation with Sputnik News, Israel can defeat both the S-300 and S-400 (including Russian-used variants of both designs) but will not demonstrate this “far advanced superiority over Russian air forces” because it cherishes its relations with Moscow.

At the same time, according to Eskin, the Syrian Army currently has no more than 25,000 soldiers within its ranks – reduced by an astonishing 91.6 percent from its 2011 strength of three hundred thousand – and is thus weaker than it has ever has been; because of this, Israel need worry no more about President Bashar al-Assad.

Without explaining how Israel has achieved superiority over the S-300 and, more amazingly, the S-400 or where exactly he derived the number of a 25,000-strong Syrian Army from, Eskin believes that at this point Israel’s mission in Syria has been accomplished and that there appears to be no more foreseeable reason for further strikes – hence why they have not happened since late September. That Russia declared a no-fly zone and delivered S-300s to the Syrian military at the exact same time is, apparently, a matter of coincidence.


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Cited in recent weeks are a number of reports that the Israeli Air Force has already learned how to defeat the S-300 due to its conducting of mock runs against several Greek-owned S-300 systems which (this part never being mentioned) use Soviet-era electronics.

Unlike Greece, Syria has two dozen S-300 units of a more modern design (made after the Russian military industry gained access to the West’s electronics market) which in addition being backed-up by integrated Pantsir-S and Buk-M batteries also share a live data link with Russia’s air defense network across Syria, including scan feed from the A-50 AWACS. The gulf between the capabilities of Greece’s S-300 systems and Syria’s S-300 systems is vast indeed – not just numerically, but also technologically.

At the end of the day, Eskin is a businessman – not a military analyst – and a good businessman sells ideas and deals, regardless of how undesirable they are, through the use of half-truths and fantastical claims. It should be noted that he also has a history of declaring victories in extremely odd circumstances – one of which was the apparent fulfilment of a death curse he placed on former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (who was assassinated in 1995).

In complete contradiction to what actual Israeli military officials and analysts, speaking through Israeli media, have said about the S-300 and Russia’s resolve in Syria following the Il-20 downing, Eskin offers an imagined victory for Israel over the S-300, S-400 and Syria.

The claim – founded in wishful thinking rather than military reality – has been expressed to reassure those unable to cope with the idea that Israel, whilst still obviously a dominant Middle Eastern power (which it will continue to be), is faced with a more balanced strategic situation (and indeed, one that re-balanced very suddenly) where it can now no longer act with the exact same kind of military impunity it originally could in Syria.

This is not only because the Syrian military has acquired S-300 systems, but also because Russia has simply said “no” to further strikes – this reality being acknowledged by more rational Israeli media voices such as Amos Harel, who is an actual military analyst.

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