Kurdish Militia Furious at US Indifference to Ankara’s Threats in Eastern Euphrates

The US indifference to the Turkish army threats to launch massive military operations in Eastern Euphrates has angered the Kurds who have been dispatched by Washington to Eastern Deir Ezzur, Arab media outlets said.

The Arabic-language al-Watan newspaper reported on Sunday that the Kurdish forces are dissatisfied with the US for continued deployment of the Kurds to the ISIL-held regions in Eastern Deir Ezzur.

The US-led coalition has sent over 1,200 Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) from the Kurdish-held regions, including Ein al-Arab (Kobani), to battlefields in Eastern Deir Ezzur, while a large number of Ankara-backed militants, equipped with heavy military equipment, have been put on alert near the towns of Tal Abyadh, Kobani and other regions held by the Kurds in Eastern Euphrates.

Meantime, field sources reported that the SDF has withdrawn from several military positions in Badiyeh al-Rozeh in Eastern Deir Ezzur for the fear of ISIL attacks.

Reports said on Saturday that the Turkish troops continued targeting the positions of the Kurdish militia in several regions in Hasaka and Raqqa provinces regardless of the deployment of the US army men at Syria-Turkey border.

The Turkish army targeted the positions of al-Sanadid fighters, affiliated to the SDF, in Northern Hasaka including the village of Tal Jahan, injuring a gunman.

In the meantime, the Kurdish-language Hawar news reported that the Ankara forces targeted Tal Abyadh’s countryside in Raqqa province, injuring several people including two media activists.

Meanwhile, the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that the US army has deployed along the borderline between Syria and Turkey in a large region between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers and also in the town of Ein al-Arab in Northeastern Aleppo to prevent any military movement by the Turkish troops.

In the meantime, the Kurdish militias claimed that they carried out monitoring patrol across a region between Ein al-Arab in Northeastern Aleppo and the town of Tal Abyadh in Northern Raqqa after continued attacks of the Turkish forces at the Syrian towns and villages on the Eastern banks of the Euphrates River.


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