Syria News

Fresh Infighting Reported Again among Turkey-Backed Militants in Northern Syria

Two main Turkey-backed militant groups engaged in a fresh round of clashes in occupied Afrin region in Northwestern Aleppo that inflicted several casualties on both warring sides, local sources reported on Saturday.


The sources said that Ahrar al-Sharqiyah and Sultan Murad terrorists, both backed by the Turkish troops, clashed fiercely in the village of Ein al-Hajar near the town of Afrin on Friday, adding that the clashes started over the groups’ differences over their share of the people’s assets and agricultural products looted by the militants.

They further said that at least 15 terrorists have been injured in the infighting.

Both groups further kept fighters on alert and arrested each others’ members.

In the meantime, the Kurdish language Hawar news reported that Turkey has set up a free trade zone for transferring Afrin’s looted alive products to Turkey after Ankara forces created a passageway between Afrin and Turkish territories via the Syrian border village of Humam.

Local sources in Northwestern Aleppo reported on Wednesday that two groups of Faylaq al-Sham terrorists, affiliated to Ankara, engaged in heavy clashes over the olive products of the civilians in Afrin, adding that a number of militants, including one of the commanders of Faylaq al-Sham, namely Nayef Alavin, was killed in infighting.

Media activists in Afrin reported that the Ankara-backed terrorists prevent civilians from sending their olive products to other Syrian towns to force the farmers to sell them at lower prices to be dispatched to Turkey.


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