Middle East

Fresh Saudi airstrikes leave five civilians dead in Yemen

At least five civilians have been killed when Saudi military aircraft carried out two separate airstrikes against residential areas in Yemen’s northwestern province of Hajjah and the western coastal province of Hudaydah as the Riyadh regime presses ahead with its atrocious bombardment campaign against its southern neighbor.

Saudi fighter jets struck a car as it was travelling along a road in Bani Hassan area of the Abs district in Hajjah province on Sunday afternoon, leaving four people dead and another injured, an unnamed local source told Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah television network.

Earlier in the day, a Yemeni civilian lost his life and four others sustained injuries when Saudi military aircraft hit an area in Zayed road of the al-Hali district in Hudaydah province.


Additionally, several Saudi-backed militiamen loyal to Yemen’s resigned president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, were killed and injured when a roadside bomb explosion ripped through their military vehicle in al-Ajashar desert of Saudi Arabia’s southwestern Najran region, located 844 kilometers south of the capital Riyadh.

Saudi Arabia and a number of its regional allies launched a devastating military campaign against Yemen in March 2015, with the aim of bringing the government of Hadi back to power and crushing the country’s popular Houthi Ansarullah movement.

The Legal Center for Rights and Developments in Yemen, in a statement released on October 15, announced that the ongoing Saudi-led military campaign against the impoverished and conflict-plagued Arab country has resulted in the death of 15,185 civilians, including 3,527 children and 2,277 women.

A total of 23,822 civilians, among them 3,526 children and 2,587 women, have also sustained injuries, and are currently suffering from the lack of medicine, medical supplies and poor treatment due to the crippling Saudi siege.

The center further noted that the Saudi military aggression has also caused the death of nearly 2,200 Yemenis from cholera.

It highlighted that aerial assaults being conducted by the Saudi-led alliance have resulted in the destruction of 15 airports and 14 ports, and damaged 2,559 roads and bridges in addition to 781 water storage facilities, 191 power stations and 426 telecommunications towers.

Press TV

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