Syria News

ISIS burns bodies of US-backed fighters in east Syria (Video+18)

Gruesome video footage filmed by ISIS has emerged showing the terrorist group burning the bodies of slain US-backed fighters in eastern Syria.


According to preliminary information, the act took place in the small village of Barghuz Al-Fawqani which is located very close to the Iraqi border on the eastern side of the Euphrates River.

The US-backed fighters, ranks within the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), had been killed by ISIS during recent clashes along the eastern shore of the Euphrates River in the Syria’s Deir ez-Zour province.

In its media, ISIS has referred to the slain enemy fighters as ‘PKK’ members (a general term also used in the Turkish military and political vocabulary to describe Kurdish militants), but there exists the strong possibility that they were actually Arabs combatants from the Deir Ezzor Military Council, a formation within the SDF.

Over the last couple of weeks, the SDF and ISIS have locked horns into a series of major battles across various towns along the eastern shore of the Euphrates River with the latter appearing to have gained an advantage in recent days, counter-attacking under the cover of sandstorms.


Read More : US-Led Coalition Reportedly Strikes Syrian Town Using Banned Phosphorus Bombs

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