Terrorists Preparing to Use Chemical Weapons Against Children in Syria – MoD

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the White Helmets, together with terrorists, have chosen 22 families with children, as well as orphans kidnapped from refugee camps to participate in their staged filming.

“Terrorists from a group calling itself Tanzim Ḥurras ad-Din [The Guardians of Religion Organization] are engaged in the direct preparation of sites for the detonation of containers loaded with poisonous substances during the shooting of a video about ‘chemical attacks’,” the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation reported.

As the center reported, the terrorists are preparing to actually use chlorine-based poison substances against the participants of the shooting, in order to then blame the Syrian army for the chemical attack.

According to the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation, the terrorists have selected 22 children with parents from Aleppo to participate in the staged attack.

“22 children with their parents from… Aleppo province were selected by militants for the participation in the staged chemical attack. Another group, of orphans abducted from refugee camps, intended for the shooting of the lethal scenes, is now held in… the Iqab prison, controlled by the Nusra Front terrorists,” the center said.

As the center noted, a number of Middle Eastern news sources and one US broadcaster have shot nine scenes of the staged chemical attack.

“According to the irrefutable information of the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation, nine scenes of the alleged use of ‘chemical weapons’ by the Syrian troops against the civilians were filmed on September 9 in the settlement of Jisr al-Shughur in the province of Idlib by the crews of a number of Middle Eastern channels and the regional affiliate of a US television news channel,” the center said.

The White Helmets and Nusra Front terrorists have approved videos of two scenes, which will be transferred to the United Nations and the OPCW; the rest will be distributed in the social networks, the center revealed.

“Following the filming in the evening of September 11, at a joint meeting of representatives of the White Helmets and the militants of the Nusra Front terrorist group, only two videos out of nine were approved for transfer to the United Nations and the OPCW following the order. The remaining videos, due to their poor quality, have been suggested for use in social networks,” the center said.

As the Russian military unveiled, the White Helmets, a non-governmental organization, has been preparing for the filming of a staged chemical weapons attack with the participation of children in Syria’s Khan Sheikhoun on a daily basis since September 9.

“The White Helmets activists have been preparing for the filming of a staged ‘chemical attack’ with the participation of up to 30 civilians, including about a dozen kids aged between 8 and 12, in the settlement of Khan Sheikhoun… on a daily basis since September 9,” the statement said.

Signs of the Preparation of Staged Chemical Attacks in One More City in Idlib

The Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation went on to say that it had registered signs of the preparation of other false flag chemical attacks taking place in one more town in Syria’s Idlib province.

“According to the information received by the Reconciliation Center, provided by Idlib residents, signs of intensified preparation far staging false flag chemical attacks were recorded in the village of Kafir-Zait. Poison substances for use in provocations were delivered to the settlements of Kafr Nabudah and Qalaat al-Madiq,” the statement said.

The statement was made a day after the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation reported that the mentioned staged footage had begun. As Syrian human rights activist and public figure Ammar Jamal had confirmed to Sputnik, a group of 30 representatives of the White Helmets had arrived to Idlib to organize a provocation. According to human rights activists, the White Helmets arrived on Tuesday morning with tanks containing an unknown gas.

As the Russian military explained, the terrorists and militants plan to blame the fake attack on Syrian government forces.

The situation is quite tense due to a recent Wall Street Journal report, which said that the US Defense Department might be considering the idea of striking Russian or Iranian military forces supporting the Syrian government if the latter launched an assault on Idlib province. The report added that the United States would specifically decide whether or not to strike Russian air defense installations.

The air assault that took place on April 14 happened under similar circumstances; the United States, the United Kingdom and France launched over 100 missiles at multiple targets in Syria in response to an alleged chemical weapons attack in the city of Douma that reportedly took place on April 7. The Syrian government has denied using chemical weapons and said that the Jaish al-Islam terror group had staged the attack in order to summon a foreign intervention in the country.


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