Army liberates al-Qasir village in Daraa countryside, uncovers cache of weapons left by Daesh

SANA reporter in Daraa said that army units clashed with the last groups of Daesh (ISIS) terrorists in the village of al-Qasir.

The army continued to advance and encircle the remnants of terrorists in the village as their last hotbeds were destroyed and the village was declared free of terrorism.

The reporter said that the storming units are hunting down the remnants of the Takfiri terrorists who fled away to the neighboring valleys as a state of collapse prevailed among them.

Meanwhile, SANA camera escorted the combing operations of the army and the engineering units in the villages and towns liberated during the last two days in al-Yarmouk Basin.

The army units unearthed an Israeli-made drone inside a cache left by Daesh remnants in Abdin village.

The cache also included rocket shells, anti-tank shells and big quantities of munition.


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