BREAKING: US-led coalition bombs Syrian government troops near Iraqi border

The US-led coalition Airforces have delivered massive airstrikes over multiple Syrian government troops positions in the oil-rish province of Deir Ezzor.
SANA news agency reported quoting military source saying that a number of soldiers were fallen due to hostile air raids in Al-Hari village southeast the bordering city of Al-Bukamal.
Al-Hari village is located east of Al-Bukamal and was liberated from the terror group of ISIS last year.
Worth-mentioning that the US aircrafts back the Syrian opposition faction of SDF in their operations against ISIS in Deir Ezzor province.
The Syrian military also reported during this month that 2 positions were struck by US warplanes near the vital T2 pumping station in southern Deir Ezzor.

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