Syria NewsVideo

WATCH: Syrian tank polishes ISIS jihadists in urban firefight south of Damascus

Fierce urban warfare is currently taking place in districts still held by the ISIS jihadists in southern Damascus suburbs.
War media camera has captured heavy battle between a Syrian T-72 tank and ISIS militants who were trying to halt the tank advance by machine guns.
The footage was taken in the hot battlefield of Al-Hajar Al-Aswad neighborhood, when the tank commander ordered his crew to focus and shoot on the building, where the terrorists were holed up.
Field source confirmed to Muraselon that 11 terrorists were neutralized following that skirmish, as most of them were buried beneath the building wreckage.
Yesterday, a Syrian official source denied all reports talking about an agreement with the terror organization of ISIS in Al-Hajar or Al-Yarmouk camp.
Read more: Camera captures massive explosion rocks ISIS base in Al-Yarmouk Camp

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