World News

WATCH: Eyewitness captures explosions as cash-in-transit thieves strike in south Africa

Employees at the Renault East Rand dealership in south Africa, got a little more than they bargained for at work on Thursday morning when they ended up with front row seats to an explosive cash-in-transit heist.
Gaileen Naidoo, an accountant at the dealership, filmed the moment two cash-in-transit vans were blown up, as Three explosions can be seen in the video.

Naidoo told News24 that she and her fellow terrified employees had laid down on the floor.
“It was very scary. I have worked here for eight years and nothing of this sort has ever happened,” she said.
One of her colleagues is eight months pregnant and Naidoo can be heard trying to calm her down in the video.
“She is actually due next month.”
Naidoo says they didn’t realise what was happening at first.
“It sounded like a truck – when it slows down it makes that noise, almost like a gunshot,” she said, adding that they were accustomed to hearing that sound, as the dealership is located off Atlas Road.
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