Syria News

US hiding thousands of terrorists in Syria from justice — diplomat

The United States has remained mum about several thousand militant extremists detained in Syria whom Washington would like to let off scot-free, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday.
“We have taken note of the fact the US administration is keeping quiet about the several thousand foreign terrorists, who have been detained by the US-led coalition and the Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces in Transeuphratia,” she said. “The explanation that it is allegedly impossible to agree on extradition procedures and parameters of legal assistance with the countries of origin are totally far-fetched.”
“Apparently this legal vacuum is being created deliberately with the aim to conceal the real aim: to let the militants dodge responsibility. It is noteworthy that in defiance of complicity in terrorism no charges are put forward or investigative measures taken.”
Zakharova said Russia knew well the number of militants and the conditions in which they were being kept.
“According to our sources, there are two or three thousand militants, mostly from Europe, Arab countries and the CIS,” she said. “The so-called restrictive measures are confined to limiting the freedom of movement. They enjoy three meals a day, medical assistance and the opportunities for exercise to stay in good physical shape.”
Such actions by the United States and its allies in the region, Zakharova believes, are fraught with the re-emergence of the terrorist state in the region.
“In view of President Donald Trump’s announcement of the forthcoming US pullout from Syria there emerge high risks of a Caliphate’s re-emergence in Transeuphratia under the Iraqi type scenario we saw when after the successful withdrawal of the US contingent in 2011 entailed the emergence of the group Islamic State (outlawed in Russia – TASS), she said. “By refraining from criminal prosecution of the mentioned militants the US administration in fact covers up their criminal activity.”
Moscow, Zakharova said, insists on inevitable punishment for the terrorists detained by the United States and the coalition it leads.
“In this context we would like to focus attention on the principle of inevitability of punishment of the detained terrorists for the committed crimes in accordance with the extradite-or-put-on-trial principle,” Zakharova said. “We believe it is utterly impermissible to manipulate with anti-terrorist tasks for using double standards to attain geopolitical aims.”.

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