Tension escalates in northern Syria as jihadi infighting struck Al-Bab city.

Recently, the Jihadi infighting knocked the door of Turkey when a rebel civil war begin to rage in Al-Bab city Northeast Aleppo provincial capital.
For the second day in a row, Al-bab city has witnessed a rebel infighting between the 2 largest groups that dominate the city, “Awsod Al-Sharqiyah” and “A’al waki” due to crime committed by Al-Sharqiyah fighters.
According to opposition reports, The clashes began at 1:30 pm on Sunday, and still ongoing between the conflicting parties using heavy weapons (heavy artillery and machine guns) that caused two deaths and a number of injuries among civilians, amid a state of security chaos.
Read More : CCTV Footage: Turkey-backed militants break into hospital in northern Syria

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