Ala: Tripartite aggression on Syria shows disregard for international law

Syria’s Permanent Representative at the UN office and other international organizations in Geneva, Hussam Eddin Ala, said that the tripartite aggression carried out by the US, Britain, and France on Syria in April showed these three states’ disregard for international law and their belief in using unilateral force in international relations.
In a speech at the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, Ala denounced the attempts by the British and French representatives to justify the aforementioned aggression as being a response to claims of using chemical weapons in Douma, saying that such lies and allegations always surface when the Syrian Armed Forces achieve victories over terrorists.
He said that the three states immediately accused the Syrian authorities of the alleged incident in Douma as soon as the “White Helmets” published their falsified reports, preempting the arrival of the investigation team from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) sent to verify allegations about this matter.
He noted that the statements made about the alleged incident were devoid of evidence and tried to manipulate sentiments, citing the fabricated videos made by the White Helmets and ignoring the testimonies of eyewitnesses before The Hague on April 26 who debunked the allegations about the use of chemical weapons in Douma.
Ala stressed that Syria has always condemned the use of chemical weapons regardless of their type in any place, at any time, and under any circumstances, adding that attempts at justifying the aggression as an act meant to “undermine Syrian chemical capabilities and deterring its use in the futre” are ridiculous claims.
He also noted that one of the sites attacked under that pretext was an educational establishment that the OPCW had inspected twice last year and declared it devoid of any activity that contradicts the chemical weapons convention.

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