Syria NewsVideo

Aerial footage of Syrian artillery pounding ISIS amid ground troops advance in S Damascus

an Aerial footage of the Syrian artillery and tanks bombing the self-proclaimed of ISIS group in several locations across the embattled southern Damascus neighborhoods.
“The situation in the region of Hajar Al-Aswad on the southern outskirts of Damascus remains extremely tense. The struggle between Syrian Army  and ISIS takes place literally for each building.” Riafan war reporter said on Sunday.
The Russian reporter captured the fighting between the government forces’ tanks and ISIS terrorists in Al-Hajar al-Aswad and Al-Yarmouk bastion as the air-forces conducting pinpoint air strikes on jihadist clusters.
“The operation to clean up the southern suburbs of the capital is complicated by the fact that – in this part of the city – there are residential quarters, and the corridors between the buildings were deliberately filled with bombs” Riafan reported.
Read more: Syrian tanks hammer ISIS in S Damascus, paving the way for infantrymen to advance.

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