WATCH: Unbelievable underground rebel tunnel uncovered by Syrian Army in Douma

The Syrian security forces alongside the engineering units keep cleansing the years-long former rebel stronghold of Douma city in eastern Ghouta, discovering large underground tunnel beneath resident houses.
Video report released by a war reporter embedded with the Syrian Army in Douma city, shows large well-dug, supported and fortified tunnel, equipped by electricity and branching into a large number of rooms and other tunnels.
The 4 meters width with 6 meters height tunnel uncovered in the city of Douma.
In a related story, A unit of internal security forces, in cooperation with locals, discovered a huge factory for terrorists of Jaish al-Islam where they have manufactured weapons and different shells.
Read more: Moscow has ‘Irrefutable’ Evidence chem attack in Syria’s Douma was staged – Russia’s Envoy To OPCW


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