Deir Ezzor's oil fields are now military zones , says US-backed militia

The US-backed, predominantly-Kurdish militia in eastern Syria declared all oil fields in the province ‘military zones’ as tensions rise with the Syrian forces.
The announcement comes as large US Army convoys and machineries arrived at the area lately.
Battles re-erupted between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and pro-Syrian government fighters, namely the Iranian-backed al-Baqir Brigade, as the latter announced a major assault against the US proxies.
Meanwhile, more US military build-up has been reported in Koneko oil field – reportedly Syria’s largest oil field – located on the eastern bank of the Euphrates.
Tension rose recently between Russian, Assad’s main backer, and the US when the latter conducted airstrikes targeting positions for the Syrian fighters as well as Russian forces in the oil-rich province.
Read More : US Helped Daesh in Attempt to Gain Control Over Syria’s Oil – Damascus

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