Syria News

HTS arrests prominent FSA commander in northern Idlib

Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (Al-Qaeda branch in Syria) arrested a high ranking FSA commander of the so-called Free Syrian Army in the northern countryside of Idlib, today, pro-opposition reports.
According to pro-opposition activists on social media, the commander of the FSA’s Islam Martyrs Brigade, Sa’eed Naqrash (AKA “Abu Jamal”), was arrested by a group of HTS militants inside the Idlib province town of Sarmada.
“Naqrash” previously led the “Islam Martyrs Brigade” in the key town of Darayya in southern Damascus, where the Syrian Army totally defeated them and were evacuated to Idlib following a deal with government.
Moreover, the “HTS” did’nt provide any further details regarding the reason behind the arrest of “Naqrash”
Read more: ISIS strikes crowded popular market in downtown Damascus, casualties reported


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