Envoy to UN: Syria Possess No Chemical Weapons

Syria is ready to provide unlimited assistance to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) mission coming to the city of Douma after an alleged chemical attack against civilians on Saturday, Syrian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Bashar Jaafari said.
“My country Syria stresses its unlimited cooperation with the OPCW to fulfill the commitments stated in the convention of the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons,” Jaafari said during an emergency meeting on Syria at the UN Security Council on Monday.
Moreover, Syria does not have any chemicals weapons including chlorine that was allegedly used over the weekend in Douma, Syrian Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar Jaafari said in a Security Council meeting.
“The Syrian Arabic Republic stresses ones again it does not possess any chemical weapons of any type, including chlorine,” Jaafari said on Monday.
Jaafari added that Syria condemns the use of chemical arms anywhere and under any circumstances. The envoy noted that Syria has submitted 144 letters containing the information that terrorist groups have toxic chemical substances, which would be used to prepare for crimes. He said that the terrorists were working with White Helmets to fabricate the evidence and to create staged dramatic scenes to influence public opinion against the government of Syria.
Moreover, Jaafari directly accused Washington, Paris, London and their allies in providing weapons to terrorists and preparing aggressions against Syria.
On Saturday, several Syrian opposition online media outlets reported, citing militants that the Syrian Army has used chlorine in the town of Douma and killed up to 70 people.
The Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria on Sunday categorically refuted the reports. The Center’s representatives visited the place of the alleged attack and questioned local doctors, who said that they had not received individuals with symptoms of any chemical poisoning.
In the summer of 2014, the OPCW confirmed that Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal had been destroyed.

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