BREAKING: Syrian Army storms strategic farmlands near Douma stronghold in E Ghouta

The Syrian forces resumes its wide-scale military operations, targeting the terror group of Hayyat Tahrir Al-Sham along with its associated factions in the opposition enclave of the eastern Ghouta.
Military source close to Muraselon, confirmed that the storming troops of the Syrian Army have broken-through rebel defenses in Al-Raiyhan farmlands that located few kilometers east of Douma city.
The troops managed to liberate swath of territories as the most important is Hawsh Al-mubarakeh area in the eastern part of Al-Raiyhan town, according to the source.
At the meantime, the elite troops of the Tiger forces are advancing towards Hammouriah city from its recent taken locations in Al-Aftares orchards of the eastern Ghouta.

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