US threats of force against Damascus ‘seriously alarm’ Russia — senior diplomat

Moscow is alarmed by the threats of using force against Damascus coming from some countries, including the United States, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Monday, stressing that this runs counter to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2401.
“We are seriously alarmed by the reports that amid the overall increase in the rhetoric against Damascus and anti-Russian rhetoric in Washington threats are heard again of using force, which is unlawful,” the diplomat said. “They are searching for pretexts and this fully runs counter to the meaning and content of the UN Security Council Resolution 2401.”
The diplomat noted that Western partners who have recently voiced great concerns over the humanitarian situation in Syria need to fully comply with the UN Security Council’s decisions. “A different behavior will mean that the US and its allies violate the UN Security Council Resolution 2401.”
On February 24, the United Nations Security Council in a unanimous vote approved Resolution 2401 demanding a 30-day ceasefire across Syria to allow aid access to the population in need.

Russia’s UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya said Moscow “supported this document because it spurs the Syrian conflict sides to end hostilities as soon as possible, to implement previously agreed decisions on the issue and to engage in negotiations on general de-escalation and on introduction of long humanitarian pauses throughout the country’s entire territory.” The diplomat stressed that the ceasefire could not be applied to operations against terrorist organizations in Syria, and counter-terrorism missions would continue

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