Syria News

Surge of explosions and assassinations struck HTS-held Idlib province – Reports

Several explosions and assassinations hit the city of Idlib and its suburbs on Monday morning, amid a state of security chaos in the city, as all fingers accuse ISIS sleeper cells.
According to opposition websites, “an explosive device exploded near an outpost of Ma’ra Misrin, killing eight people and injuring 14 others .” The Syrian Observatory” said that “the explosion targeted the outpost of” Hayyat Tahrir Al-Sham “in the region”.
The pro-rebel sources indicated that “a roadside bomb targeted two cars inside the city of Khan Sheikun,” and wounded several people.
The sources also said that 2 HTS militants killed by a bomb explosion on the outskirts of Muhambal town in the south-western Idlib.
Furthermore, two fighters belong to the so-called [Free Idlib Army] were assassinated by unknown assailants including a senior “called “Hammad bin Humaid al-Shaish” in Siloam village southern Idlib.
Observers believe that the large number of explosions occurring in the province at the meantime, is due to the presence of a number of ISIS militants trapped in the countryside Idlib.
Idlib has repeatedly witnessed the explosion of improvised explosive devices and motorcycles in several different areas, escalated in recent weeks, killing a number of people.

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