Syria Map Update: Syrian Army is 14 km to Deir Ezzor

Judging by the course of the battles, the Syrian Army is a few days away from reaching the besieged eastern city of Deir Ezzor, grabbing more territories from the defeated Islamic State.

A military source escorting the Army’s military campaign in eastern Syria told MURASELON that the Army troops advanced, today, 4 km to the east of al-Kharrata Oil Field.

This significant advance puts the Syrian forces some 14 km to the government-held part of Deir Ezzor; namely Brigade 137.

Earlier this morning, the government forces succeeded in regaining full control over al-Kharrata Oil Field, Ber Qusayba, Tar Tarfawi and Qasr Tarfawi, after launching their offensive from the nearby Adimah Mountain.

In the meantime, Army troops made fresh gains along the Sukhnah-Deir Ezzor highway; reducing the distance to the ISIS-held town of Kabajip to less than 7 km.

The Islamic State militants desperately tried to curb the Army’s advance by sending off several VBIEDs, however, their attempts have been completely foiled by precise airstrikes conducted by Syrian and Russian fighter jets.

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